Firstly thanks to everyone for their kind words and messages on yesterdays post. It really wasnt the reason I did it but Im glad I didnt depress you all too much! I woke up with a much more positive attitude this morning. The issues havent gone away they will probably always be there but I realised Im on my way to working it all out.
Anyway a quickie outfit post tonight as its late (well late for me!) and I really should be ebaying (selling not buying...yet).
I broke my no jeans rule though (but as it want offically cast in stone it doenst matter) but this was only because we woke to snow this morning! Only a little bit but still! i think you can see Im looking much happier in these then I have the past few days...your comments have really boosted me so thank you! And check it out a new pic location lol
Anyway casual as ever I wore: Skinny jeans- New Look via ebay,Long sleeve white tshirt for warmth! Long boyfriend shirt Peacocks, Wide elastic waist belt: erm think this was from ebay too.... oh dear too much ebay again......excuse the evil looking cat in the background thats just our Alfie :)
I left my hair to dry naturally today so its all curly and I pinned it up at both sides was a nice natural look.
My signature butterfly was around my neck in this beauty 3d effect pewter one.
My huge leopard print sequin bag that takes all the stuff I need for a day out with the kids!
And a shot of my trusty Aldo brown biker boots that I got from ebay. these have seen me through all the bad weather since I got them at the end of November.
So there you go like I said just a quickie but I will endevour to post more tomorrow. Bye for now! xx