I feel like Im playing catch up at the minute with everything, but the sun is shining (even though there is frost on the gorund- but Im looking upwards not down lol). We went to the beach yesterday and it was so warm we had to take our coats off (good indication for a hot summer? Well thats debatable but it was lovely). As such my outfit was casual and comfy the 2 words that seem to rule my weekend outfits.
I wore (and excuse the inane look on my face! I dont know why either!):
Flared faded blue jeans: Next
white vest: Primark
Strawberry print jumper: New Look via ebay.
Fake uggs (not seen): Priceless...I only really wear these to the beach or down the fields as I can stick them straight in the washer after.
Todays outfit is slightly better but I didnt chose it...I will explain...last night I had a major strop when I opened my wardobe to a sea of skirts, dresses and trousers, and my mind went totally blank, I had to arrange an outfit for today last night as i knew I would be up and out early.....but what to wear?? After a long time pulling things out and putting them back again I was in a grump, so shutting the door I turned to Jamie and decided that HE would choose me an outfit! "Madness" I hear you cry?? Well maybe! My Oh does have style and taste but hes very much a lazy boy that will wear the first thing that comes out of the wardrobe (he went to work dressed top to toe in black today)...so I thought if anything it would give me a laugh seeing him try but I think he came up good!
Im wearing: floral and paisley print dress: Peacocks sale.
Raspberry tights: Primark
black cami: Next
Ruched cropped cardigan: ebay
green shell necklace and matching earrings: Primark
Black belt: taken from the black and white dress I wore the other day.
brown biker boots: Aldo via ebay.
What do you think? the boy did good eh? Yes there is a teeny tiny discretion to this outfit in that the dress is technically black (could be blue if you squint at it in the right light and turn your head away from the sun?) but I reckon that it *could* be allowed since the edge of the dress is actually green?? Mmmm Im sure I will get told off fo this, if so it wasnt me it was him! LOL.
Seriously though I would urge anyone to challenge their partners/friends to choosing them an outfit! If anything it will give you a laugh at the look of terror on their faces at that request!
On to other matters, I have been looking though my box of old summer clothes that a wee bit too big for me. Rather than sell/ donate them then have to buy a whole new lot again I have decided to try my hand at adapting them for my size now. So I have a few items that I will post over the next few days to gauge an opinion on what (and how) to do with them. So first up is this skirt:
I bought this in the Next sale a few years ago. It is a size 14 but too big for me so will have to take the waist in. However I like the fabric of it (its like a crinkly cotton) and its lovely and cool for the summer, but I dont like the shape of it...its too...I dunno... full? Im wondering if I could maybe make it into a pair of loose cullottes? do you think that would work? I would have to take away some of the fabric to do this then split it in the middle and sew up....Thats the idea but Im no dressmaker though I can sew...so any tips/ suggesations would be most appreciated! I dont want to end up with a pair of shorts that would suit a pensioner going on a coach trip! lol
And lastly I found this little gem in my summer box!
Its not one of the bigger things I bought it last year off ebay before I started dieting as I loved it so much but at a size 12 I didnt give myself much hope of getting into it...fast forward almost 12 months and it fits! Its a strapless sun dress which can also be worn as a skirt as it has a stretchy band top, it has a lovely crocheted effect on the hem ...I cant wait for it to be warm enough to wear this!
Just to end I am working on a giveaway which should be ready hopefully this week to celebrate the blog reaching 20 followers- woohoo- watch this space!
Have a great day everyone! x